Welcome to my new little home on the web! A website that will be connecting my various points of presence on the web. For the past years I've been sharing stories and photos on my Soleil Blanco photoblog. In 2013, I started being biliouriful, a newsletter that I have been enjoying writing a lot. And of course I have been tweeting and posting on FB, and more rarely on +google. And on top of all that happening, my Flickr became a little stale. No wonder!
Not only was this scattered presence tiring, I found I was not happy any longer with some of these platforms. My photoblog on Blogspot -although directly linked to my gmail account- was kind of outdated and I needed a change of layout, more options and available tools. Using TinyLetter for my first newsletters was fun; however I found the platform a bit limiting when it came to uploading photos and embedding videos. So, the fact that Squarespace may be directly linked to a MailChimp newsletter was a strong enough reason for me to move my being biliouriful newsletter to a "new house".
All the signs pointed towards the same direction: a new little hub on the net.
Hope you enjoy!