TEDGlobal>London _ a recap

After months of preparation for TEDGlobal>London, we opened our doors to about 400 attendees. It was a one-day event, held on June 16 at the Faraday Lecture Theatre at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. You may find a great recap of the day and a short summary of all talks at the TEDBlog. You may see some of the talks on TED.com, like the one from Yuval Noah Harari, trying to explain the rise of humans (I really love this talk).

What you cannot see is that inside the theatre, we decided to do a little experiment, banning the use of smartphones, laptops, tablets, cameras –all electronic devices. It was hard for the ones who enjoy live tweeting and sharing, but at the end everyone said they loved it. You may read about it in this interesting article that Bruno Giussani wrote in The Guardian. 

Photo: James Duncan Davidson/TED

Photo: James Duncan Davidson/TED